Jul 23 2008


Published by at 8:00 pm under Pre-Trip

As a part of the entire missionary experience, I sent out a few fundraising letters via email to mostly family members. The cost of this trip is not unreasonable, and Julie and I are in a place where we could set aside the complete cost of the trip without breaking the bank. However, the missionary state-of-mind is that of doing service for others in the name of Jesus Christ. If I were to fork over the complete bill for the cost, who would I be accountable to for my actions as a servant? It would be nothing more than a glorified vacation with some community service on the side.

As a missionary, I have asked a few people to donate in my name to the cost of the trip as a reminder that I am serving a greater purpose, and those people are giving out of the goodness of their heart for something that they, too believe in.

I am proud to say that 92% of my trip has been paid for!! I thank all of you that contributed as well as UUMC for its scholarship funds provided.


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  1. laurie reasonoveron 01 Aug 2008 at 10:47 am

    We are proud to be counted among the contributors for your very worthy request. Next time I hope things will work for me to attend, but I am satisfied for now having you be our heart, eyes and ears in spreading God’s word in actions and thoughts.
    David and Laurie

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