Aug 02 2008


Published by at 10:11 pm under In Costa Rica

Thank goodness for no major airport drama on either side. We arrived in San Jose, and after one long line for customs, we found our driver to take us to the church. Emanuel Evangelical Methodist Church in Guadalupe was our destination. It is located in Guadalupe, a suburb east of San Jose.

It rains EVERYDAY here. You can set your watch by it. The rain comes down off the mountains after lunch and sets in on the valley early afternoon. Such was the case when we left the airport and arrived at the church. The rain and slippery surfaces provided a degree of difficulty for unloading the bus… and I, in my travel sandals, was the leg of the assembly line that had to hoist the baggage up to the mid-level platform overhead to get them to our dorms. I certainly wasn’t ready for that right out of the gates!

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