Aug 06 2008

san jose will wake you up

Published by at 6:30 am under In Costa Rica

For those considering a mission trip to Costa Rica in the future, there is one thing on the packing list that you can omit — the alarm clock. San Jose never seems to rest, but for those that do, they are up at the crack of dawn. The sounds of cars, motorcycles and dogs can be heard thoughout the night, but when everybody wakes up in the morning, you will know it!!

Costa Rica time is equivalent to Mountain Time in the U.S., so therefore we are an hour behind San Antonio time. The early risers in the group are actually up an around about 5am. They get the coffee going in the morning for the rest of us that are usually up around 6am.

The best place to enjoy our coffee is out on the balcony in front of the dorms, overlooking the parking lot for the church and the mountains of Costa Rica. The air is crisp and soothing. Oh yeah, the coffee is not that bad either!!

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  1. Mikie Campbellon 06 Aug 2008 at 10:10 am

    Misty, I have been reading everyday. I hope you are doing well! I miss you! Can’t wait to hear all about it on Sat.

  2. Lori A. Scharfon 06 Aug 2008 at 12:06 pm

    It’s been almost surreal to be here and read what you all are doing miles away. Very inspirational, though, and at the same time, very funny. I appreciate what you are accomplishing in a short amout of time. I’ve enjoyed reading the blogs every morning, and I look forward to hearing Amber’s stories when she get’s back. Miss you, girl!

    Safe journey home, to you all!

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