Aug 06 2008

update: somebody go jiggle the breaker!

Published by at 5:00 pm under In Costa Rica

We have not had the opportunity to introduce the mission team from Virginia that we are sharing our meals with here at the church. They are staying at the Bishop’s office, located nearby in Tibas. They are bussed over here to Guadalupe for every breakfast and dinner.

During our first breakfast together, they heard about our story from the previous evening about the showers and the breaker popping on us. Two of the men from Virginia happened to be experienced electricians!! We best described what we interpreted the problem to be, and they eventually decided to step aside from their team’s work location, and stay at the church to COMPLETELY rewire the dorms, showers and security system. They even moved the breaker box to underneath a covered part of the building and ran conduit to get rid of the rat’s nest we encountered our first night here.

Now we can run all FOUR showers at the same time and turn every light in the house on without running to reset the breaker!! Thank God for the team from Virginia and especially those that used their skills to help the church with it wiring issue.

Now, please excuse me… it’s my turn to shower.


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No Responses to “update: somebody go jiggle the breaker!”

  1. Lori A. Scharfon 07 Aug 2008 at 6:46 am

    Look Mom…know more rat’s nest!!

  2. Lori A. Scharfon 07 Aug 2008 at 6:47 am

    Excuse me…I meant to say “no” more rat’s nest. 🙂

  3. Barbara Baldwinon 07 Aug 2008 at 8:36 am

    Thank goodness you didn’t have “static electricity” in the air to ALSO deal with!!!

    Have really enjoyed reading of your journey & can’t wait to see the facial expressions, along with the stories–I’m off to Dallas, so best of love for your neat experiences & a safe trip back.

  4. Lorion 07 Aug 2008 at 3:59 pm

    One more wonderful thing to leave behind for such wonderful people!

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